Àâòîð ôîòî / Photo by: http://www.elbe-urstromtal.com |
Òåñòû çäîðîâüÿ: | HD-A, Eyes free, PCD +/+ |
 | ÐÎÄÎÑËÎÂÍÀß |  |  | Èíáðèäèíãè: Trosambe Blue Panda Spicer: 4:4; Coco Chanel from W.-Germany: 4:4; Stonebrook California Breeze: 3:3; |  |  |  | WW 2002, Int.CH , Lux.Ch , Swe.Ch , VDH.Ch Uno Di Uno Aus Dem Elbe-urstromtal ZB:14382 Peter Schmidt, HD-B |
Keep Smiling Willy From W.-germany , HD-B |
Zermatt Aus Dem Elbe-urstromtal NHCB 1740982, HD-B |
Trosambe Blue Panda Spicer ZB: 9130 / AKC D082529, HD-B1 |
Coco Chanel Aus Dem Elbe-urstromtal VDH ZBrH 7478 / NHSB 1625213, HD-A |
Freeborn Frenzi from W.-Germany
Das Beste Aus Dem Elbe-urstromtal NHSB 1425386 |
Coco Chanel from W.-Germany
Geminot aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal
Int.CH , Den.Ch , Fin.Ch , Lux.Ch , Nor.Ch Stonebrook California Breeze NHSB 1.800.718 / DL39228506 Daniela Sulser, HD-A/A, Eyes free `93,`95 |
Am.Ch , Can.Ch Shantel`s Headed For The Future D747000 |
Int.CH , Am.Ch , Mex.Ch Pettibones Stonebrooks Gem D735943 |
Midnightlady von Den Hottentotten NHSB1850484, HD-good (OFA) |
WW , EuW , Int.CH , Nld.Ch , VDH.Ch Sparkle Square`s China Blue NHSB 1551465, HD-A |
Fenomenal Aus Dem Elbe-urstromtal VDH ZBrH 8020 |
Now Available Aus Dem Elbe-urstromtal NHSB 2040292, HD-A |
Bugaboo`s Some`n To Talk About AKC DL 325365/01, HD-good (OFA) |
Can.Ch Some Buddy`s Storm Warning D892004, HD-good (OFA) |
Am.Ch Pettibone`s The Best Of Times D370790 |
Am.Ch , Can.Ch Some Buddy`s Teryn Around D645500 / QA353726 |
Am.Ch Bugaboo`s We Do It Right D792321, HD-good (OFA) |
Am.Ch Pettibone`s The Best Of Times D370790 |
Am.Ch Bugaboos All The Way D600484, HD-good (OFA) |
Firlefanz Aus Dem Elbe-urstromtal NHSB 1.872.603, HD-A |
Int.CH , Den.Ch , Fin.Ch , Lux.Ch , Nor.Ch Stonebrook California Breeze NHSB 1.800.718 / DL39228506 Daniela Sulser, HD-A/A, Eyes free `93,`95 |
Am.Ch , Can.Ch Shantel`s Headed For The Future D747000 |
Int.CH , Am.Ch , Mex.Ch Pettibones Stonebrooks Gem D735943 |
Zell Am Sea Aus Dem Elbe-urstromtal NHSB1740985 |
Trosambe Blue Panda Spicer ZB: 9130 / AKC D082529, HD-B1 |
Coco Chanel from W.-Germany
|  |
|  | |
Ïîñëåäíåå îáíîâëåíèå äàííûõ 01.02.2012 |