Àâòîð ôîòî íåèçâ. |
Òåñòû çäîðîâüÿ: | HD-A, Eyes free `11 | Òèòóëû: | ×åìïèîí Àíãëèè |
| ÐÎÄÎÑËÎÂÍÀß | | | | Int.CH , CfBrH.Ch , Den.Ch , Nld.Ch , Swe.Ch , ... Dreamdancer´s Ballantines VDH 14770 Peter Schmidt, HD-A |
WW 2002, Int.CH , Lux.Ch , Swe.Ch , VDH.Ch Uno Di Uno Aus Dem Elbe-urstromtal ZB:14382 Peter Schmidt, HD-B |
Keep Smiling Willy From W.-germany , HD-B |
Zermatt Aus Dem Elbe-urstromtal NHCB 1740982, HD-B |
Freeborn Frenzi from W.-Germany
Geminot aus dem Elbe-Urstromtal
Int.CH , Den.Ch , Fin.Ch , Lux.Ch , Nor.Ch Stonebrook California Breeze NHSB 1.800.718 / DL39228506 Daniela Sulser, HD-A/A, Eyes free `93,`95 |
Midnightlady von Den Hottentotten NHSB1850484, HD-good (OFA) |
VDH.Ch Georgina vom Blütenparadies ZB: 12882 Peter Schmidt, HD-A, Eyes free '96, '97, '02 |
Eskimo from the White Heather ZB: 10814, HD-B1, Eyes free 1994 |
Int.CH , It.Ch , KFT Ch. , Lux.Ch , VDH.Ch , ... Sugar Bear From Beautiful Highland VDH 9910 Annette Kirsch., HD-A, Eyes free 1990-1992 |
Crown-Jewel from the White Heather ZB: 9371, HD-A, Eyes free 1992 |
Clementine aus dem Rotmaintal OESCD 0958, HD-A, Eyes free 1994 |
Int.CH , Nld.Ch , VDH.Ch Vigilat`s Different Yip NHSB 1528654, HD-A1 |
Familytree Victoria´s Secret OESCD 0613 / AKC DL 379123, HD-A1, Eyes free 1992 |
Zottel`s Wildest Dream 2014CJ Mrs.C.Bailey |
Eng.Ch Bobbington Latin Lover 1134CA |
Eng.Ch Amblegait Amboyna Of Stourvale 1295BT CH |
Amblegait Adams Addition D7739605E03 |
Barnolby Artistic Of Amblegait A 473832 B7 |
Eng.Ch Oakfarm Beth Of Bobbington 5611BV |
Eng.Ch Barnolby Troubleshooter At Oldoak A4738302B07 |
Oakfarm Oleanna KCSB03050BS |
Eng.Ch Lamedazottel Hello Again 2986CB |
Eng.Ch Lamedazottel Flamboyant 2297BZ |
Pockethall I`mashootoo O261BY |
Eng.Ch Zottel`s Miss Marple Of Lameda 0857BV Mrs.C.Bailey |
Eng.Ch Zottel`s Moonlight Serenade Of Lameda 3158BV |
Int.CH , Bel.Ch , Den.Ch , Nld.Ch Lohengrin Aus Dem Elbe-urstromtal VDH 3509 |
Int.CH , Lux.Ch , Nld.Ch , Sw.Ch , VDH.Ch Reeuwijk’s Filmstar In Silver K0095882K12 |
| |
| | |
Ïîñëåäíåå îáíîâëåíèå äàííûõ 05.07.2013 |